Sunday, October 14

This Week in The Civil War: Oct. 14, 1862

Confederate raiders, impact of Antietam on Europe

Confederate Gen. John Hunt Morgan raided Lexington, Ky., 150 years ago this week in the Civil War. Morgan's cavalry overpowered Union forces posted at Lexington on Oct. 18, 1862, and briefly captured its garrison before withdrawing. His raid has whipped up fear and unease in the border state of Kentucky and surrounding states, including Ohio. But he's not the only Confederate sowing unease this month in 1862. Confederate cavalry legend J.E.B. Stuart has just raided Chambersburg, Penn., in early October 1862 following the carnage at Antietam. Stuart set out on a hard, fast ride with hundreds of horsemen to reconnoiter Union positions, cut telegraph lines and cause destruction. By Oct. 11, 1862, Stuart's raiders have turned back from the 100-plus mile raid into the North that shocks Union forces. Wary about his foe, Union Major Gen. George McClellan orders scouts to spy out Confederate positions and troop strength after the Battle of Antietam. McClellan, long criticized for a cautious and go-slow approach to the war, will find his days numbered at the top of the Union command as President Abraham Lincoln grows increasingly restless and anxious to put an aggressive, fighting general in command. The Associated Press reports on Oct. 17, 1862, that Antietam's bloody outcome, meanwhile, is is having an impact in how European powers view the war. AP reports: "Since the battle of Antietam, there is less indication in Europe than previously to recognize the Southern Confederacy, and that the result of that engagement, so far as the Government of the United States are concerned, has decidedly had a beneficial influence." AP also reports federal prisoners held in Richmond, Va., are receiving better treatment than before, including regular rations and daily newspapers.

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